Sorry, this entry is only available in Català and Español. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. (Auto editat, 2014) . músics: Mariona Sagarra, veu Marina Albero, psalteri Marc Egea, viola de roda . MARAM TRIO porta set anys investigant i creant un nou so enllaçant les melodies més ancestrals amb les harmonies més contemporànies i amb la improvisació aportant-li un relleu creatiu. El projecte va veure la llum l’any 2006, “Sine Mare Nihil”, gràcies al suport de tres festivals prou importants com són el Mercat de Música Viva de Vic, el Festival de Música de Torroella de Montgrí i el Festival LEM de Barcelona, i per aquest motiu, Maram Trio sempre ha valorat positivament la co-producció dels diferents programes que ha realitzat. L’any 2012, el MNAC convida Maram Trio a posar música a l’exposició “Catalunya 1400”, on troben l’equilibri natural entre el llenguatge de la música medieval (Ars nova i Ars subtilior) i la improvisació i el contrapunt més actual interpretats amb instruments de l’època. El projecte del trio, tot i ser de petit format, ha estat de llarg recorregut i així ha esdevingut el fruit del profund coneixement artístic entre els seus components. Per això, després d’anys de música i recerca, és ara quan decideix enregistrar Sonos (2014), una selecció dels diferents repertoris que han estat oferint als seus concerts els darrers anys. El nou disc SONOS […]
(Columna Música, 2009) . ‘For me, being rigorous means being honest, not to spare a thing, not even those things I would not want to know or, let alone, see for myself..’ Zoran Music . LENT, LENT… CORRENT! ELS TEMPERAMENTS DE LA VEU is a melting pot of different worlds, internal dynamics, possible combinations, improvisations and surprises, timbres and emotions. This is the result of a path I took a long time ago, a discovery of musical and sound vibrations present in different feelings. From daily responses and impulses to the most far-fetched situations and emotions. A work that, among other things, has led me to encounter musics and songs from other cultures, to go deep into experiences of mystic, ritual or festive nature, but also in the purest avant-garde creation and improvisation. So with this album I wanted to find a way to express each and every one of these emotions, granting them their particular identity, at least the way I see—I live—them. And to do so with utter unadorned intensity. LENT, LENT… CORRENT! revolves around some temperaments and life scenarios expressed through voice, the magic of words, sound and the power of music. I like gravitas but also cheerfulness, beauty, versatility and risk… in a nutshell, to experiment. Doubt, fear, patience, affinity, love, the passing of time, death, desire, dreams… They are all states of presence in this ongoing, passionate arm-wrestling of our existence, the keystone of our life. I give you some of my temperaments of the voice.
(Columna Música, 2003) . ‘J’entends la rumeur des distances traversées’. Marcel Proust . Dies diferents is a compilation of memories, journeys and discoveries of places and people. It is a musical distillation, created over time and fed by the love contained in every song in this album. The cross-cutting bonds of the songs make up a wide-ranging mosaic of stories and emotions, stills of essences, a dialogue of cultures, geographies, human maps and landscapes. My intention has been to weave different worlds together, sonorities tainted with tradition, but clad in current clothes, ours, and from here. Hopefully these musical links I am putting forward, together with the excitement I feel by being able to count on each and every artist chipping in with their expertise in this album, can be conveyed to you, our listener, as transparently, closely and harmoniously as possible. Mariona Sagarra
(Discmedi Blau, 2000, . Her first CD, FREC A FREC (Cheek to cheek) has been successfully received by both the public and the critics at Convent de Sant Agustí part of Summer Festival Grec, to Mercat de Música Viva de Vic, Fira d’espectacles d’Arrel Tradicional de Manresa, at Círcol Maldà, Teatre Malic, Festival Castell de Peralada… to mention only a few auditoriums and theatre all over Catalonia. In FREC A FREC you can find new musics, traditional sounds, popular melodies and themes inspired by the poetry of Catalan authors. Her eclectic repertoire combines songs of an impressionistic flavour with more popular themes that are nearer to jazz or avant-gardism improvisation.