Maram trio: SONOS (2a edició)

Release Date: 17/12/2018

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Maram Trio: SONOS

Columna Música (2n edition, november 2017)


Mariona Sagarra, voice

Marina Albero, psalteri

Marc Egea, viola de roda


In the past few years Maram Trio has mixed together ancient melodies —both traditional and medieval— with some improv work and contemporary rhythms, conferring upon them a particularly creative prominence. Each of the three members, with our respective specialty fields and artistic careers, has contributed to designing a repertoire never heard before for such an ensemble. After intense research and hard work, we are convinced to be offering an original sound. This trio project, humble as it is, has been running for some time now and we believe it is here for the long run. We have grown closer to one another and feel right at home when we perform. After all these years together, it was time for us to launch SONOS, a collection of songs (themes,o tunes o tracks) we have been presenting at our concerts.


Album Tracks

  • Laudeamus

  • Mariam Matrem

  • El Rosignol

  • Lumaquela

  • I si fos...

  • Imperayritz

  • Sine Mare nihil

  • Virolai Comment qu'a may

  • Alboradinha