

Mariona Sagarra (Barcelona). Voice, piano and poetry are the tenets of her work. She lays a solid musical foundation allowing her to pursue her artistic career by researching new possibilities of voice expression. She looks into and puts forth different ways to apply voice to the musical realm. Either through electroacoustic, multiple elements or simply by means of vocal polyphonies.

Through her role as a singer, she explores other life paths that lead her to act as a performer. Her robust musical knowledge also makes it possible for her to develop a wide range of teaching activities.

As a solo singer, she publishes several albums: Frec a Frec [Close By] (2000). Catalan contemporary poetry turned into jazzy and Mediterranean forms by composers such as Jorge Sarraute, Francesc Capella and herself. Dies Diferents [Different Days] (2003). Musical collection of places, people, popular songs and vocal tracks, poetry and chants.  Lent, Lent… Corrent! Els Temperaments de la veu (2009). revolves around some temperaments and life scenarios expressed through voice, the magic of words, sound and the power of music. Sonos  with MARAM TRIO (2014) (psalterium, hurdy gurdy and voice). Fall 2016 has released its latest Cd DEIXA’M TORNAR-TE A DIR on poetry by MONTSERRAT ABELLÓ.  And EL MES PETIT DE TOTS I  UN PATUFET QUE SONA  for children…

She has been invited to several international music festivals: Toronto: National Gallery, Quebec (Canada), Essex (England), Amsterdam: Ijesbraker,  Maastrich, Breda (the Netherlands), Beirut (Lebanon), Bayonne, Lyon, Perpignan (France). On January 2006, she has been invited by the north american artist Meredith Monk to sing at the New York’s theater, Carnegie Hall (USA).

Always open to cooperating with other musicians and especially with artists coming from the dance, poetry, drama or plastic arts fields, she has been on a stage all along.

Outstanding in her education is her piano, musical language, harmony, counterpoint and XX century composition training. She pursues Singing Studies with Maria del Carmen Bustamante at the Liceu Conservatoire and with Lucia Meewsen in Haarlem (the Netherlands). Over a period of three years she complements that background at the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and attends classes at the Guildhall School in London.

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