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GUSPIRES DE SO : MÚSICA, POETRY I PAINTINGS Mariona Sagarra, voice, pedals effects, compositions. Raül Costafreda, guitar, compositions. Daniel Berdala, paintings _____________________ (Descarrega’t el dossier del projecte)



Deixa’m tornar-te a dir

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Català. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Poemes de: Montserrat Abelló (Tarragona 1918-Barcelona 2014) Editat per: Satélite K. Setembre 2016 Teaser del cd: DEIXA’M TORNAR-TE A DIR teaser (descarrega’t el dossier) … Acaba de sortir el nou disc DEIXA’M TORNAR-TE A DIR  de MARIONA SAGARRA dedicat exclusivament a la poesia de MONTSERRAT ABELLÓ, premi d’Honor de les Lletres Catalanes que va morir el mes de setembre del 2014. La cantant i compositora Mariona Sagarra ja fa molts anys va començar a musicar la poesia de Montserrat Abelló. De fet va ser la primera artista en posar-li melodies i fer conèixer la seva obra en el seus concerts. Mariona Sagarra i Montserrat Abelló varen tenir una relació molt estreta, de grans complicitats, entranyable, fins al punt d’oferir, durant varis anys, molts recitals conjunts per a tot Catalunya. “Des que ens vam conèixer vam tenir una afinitat i complicitat molt grans. Tinc la sensació que cada poema que he triat correspon a alguna part de les nostres converses: l’amor, la mort, l’humor, la reflexió silenciosa, la quotidianitat urbana, el feminisme…  La diferencia d’edat mai va ser un impediment ben al contrari, a mi m’enriquia. Aquest disc neix per la necessitat d’acabar una obra que fa anys vaig començar amb la Suite Abelló i que ara he ampliat amb totes les cançons que aquí us presento però sobretot compartir amb tothom que […]



Solo Veus

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A vocal peace Mariona Sagarra, voice and electronic efects. Solo Veus is a free trip for the voice of Mariona Sagarra and its expanded choices, the confluence of several worlds, of internal dynamics, of possible combinations, of improvisation and surprises, of bells and emotions. Solo Veus is a path that initiated long ago and that tour around expressed feelings in the voice, in the magic of words and in the power of the music. To Mariona Sagarra likes the sobriety and the joy, the versatility and the risk… in short, the experience. The doubt, the fear, the patience, the complicity, the love, the desire, to dream… are presence states of this puzzle that constitute our be. In her music we can find poems of the greats writters of the literature like Montserrat Abelló, Mercè Rodoreda, Oriol Izquierdo, Josep Ma de Sagarra, Fernando Pessoa, Mossén Cinto Verdaguer, Jaime Gil de Biedma,… her own compositions and popular mediterranean music Solo Veus is an exciting catalogue of dyed sonorities of tradition and dressed up-to-date. This concert is based on all the music of her last cd LENT, LENT… CORRENT! and she already performed in: St. John Church (Londres), Teatro de la Abadia, Espacio Temporal (Madrid), Antic Teatre, la Puntual (Barcelona), Teatre Principal (Valencia), L’Olleria (Valencia). CLIC HERE to launch the player ________________  



Maram Trio SONOS

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musicians: Mariona Sagarra, voice Marina Albero, salteri Marc Egea, viola de roda .____ As a meeting point for instruments of particular beauty, and for the important musical experience of its members, the MARAM TRIO combines mediaeval, baroque and contemporary sounds, songwriting, individual compositional and improvisatory skills, electronics… everything under the name of Sine Mare Nihil. ____________ SINE MARE NIHIL There is no international model, “style”, “genre”, that defines musical research and experimentation. Labels such as “world music” refer to the stylistic fusions, not to the personal risk involved in the creation of a whole new vision, a new poetic or imaginary universe. But it is not essential to think of intelligent industrial or electronic music when people speak about experimentation in the Mediterranean area, every rupture, every evolution, every moment of crisis, is in relation to its own tradition. The fact is: in any new composition, the more fearless it is, the more it enriches our heritage. This is not an archeological project. ____________ THE INSTRUMENTS Without the sea there is nothing. Around the seas, cultures are born that create instruments to express themselves. In fact, the most ancient of these instruments have sonorities that nowadays can seem more incisive and emotionally evocative than the so-called traditional instruments. For example, the psaltery, the hurdy gurdy and, naturally, the voice. The relationship between these instruments and electronics, with its ability to modify a sound, along with improvisation, opens the door to new sonic universes and, indeed to risks that in the “real life” would be rather […]




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Una vez más, la estrecha colaboración entre las dos artístas y creadoras ha dado fruto con esta emotiva e intensa pieza basada en el fado LAGRIMA de la gran cantante portuguesa Amalia Rodrigues. .




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UN PATUFET QUE SONA Mariona Sagarra, veu,  loops, guitarra/piano, creació musical i adaptació del conte + Perico Pastor, il·lustracions animades i projectades de tot el conte … El conte del PATUFET és conegut per a tots nosaltres, és de la família, i en aquesta ocasió el nostre petit protagonista ens passejarà per altres cultures, per altres sons juganers i entremaliats. Es un Patufet amic que sempre te ganes de conèixer coses noves. … Un PATUFET QUE SONA és una proposta basada en el conte tradicional català dirigit als més petitons de la família amb la veu de la cantant i creadora Mariona Sagarra i les il·lustracions animades sempre suggerents del pintor Perico Pastor que desgranaran algunes cançons que els nens i nenes probablement ja coneixen i d’altres sons on la improvisació vocal i la riquesa sonora fan que el Patufet sigui un petit-gran noi amb molta vida. . ..   ..



(ancient project) Beginning a new life filled emotions

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Aimed at the youngest of the family, this production is based on the traditional Catalan folk tale. Live illustrations made with sand from the Sahara desert will be projected by the artist Borja González, while the Mariona Sagarra voice, vocalist and creator of the performance, will be singing a set of well-known songs with other pieces on her own creation. The aim is to achieve through vocal improvisation and sound richness that Garbancito will began a new life full of emotions.



(ancient project) Vaig amunt i torno avall

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musicians: Mariona Sagarra, Voice and effects pedal Marina Albero, Psalterium . The 2012 was the 25th Anniversary of the Death of poet and J.V. Foix and we wanted to create a sonic world from their poetry. Songs and melodies with its own work based on them poetry books, Sol i de dol, On he deixat les claus, Entre algues, do’m la mà and others. There is also in this repertoire our deccan poetry in Catalan literature Montserrat Abelló, a remind for Jacint Verdaguer and give homage to the poet of the year 2013: Salvador Espriu. .


Solo veus project

By: Mariona Sagarra - Release Date : 2013-10-28

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