A vocal peace Mariona Sagarra, voice and electronic efects.
Solo Veus is a free trip for the voice of Mariona Sagarra and its expanded choices, the confluence of several worlds, of internal dynamics, of possible combinations, of improvisation and surprises, of bells and emotions. Solo Veus is a path that initiated long ago and that tour around expressed feelings in the voice, in the magic of words and in the power of the music. To Mariona Sagarra likes the sobriety and the joy, the versatility and the risk... in short, the experience. The doubt, the fear, the patience, the complicity, the love, the desire, to dream... are presence states of this puzzle that constitute our be. In her music we can find poems of the greats writters of the literature like Montserrat Abelló, Mercè Rodoreda, Oriol Izquierdo, Josep Ma de Sagarra, Fernando Pessoa, Mossén Cinto Verdaguer, Jaime Gil de Biedma,... her own compositions and popular mediterranean music Solo Veus is an exciting catalogue of dyed sonorities of tradition and dressed up-to-date.
This concert is based on all the music of her last cd LENT, LENT... CORRENT! and she already performed in: St. John Church (Londres), Teatro de la Abadia, Espacio Temporal (Madrid), Antic Teatre, la Puntual (Barcelona), Teatre Principal (Valencia), L’Olleria (Valencia).
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