(ancient project) Vaig amunt i torno avall

By: Mariona Sagarra





Mariona Sagarra, Voice and effects pedal

Marina Albero, Psalterium


The 2012 was the 25th Anniversary of the Death of poet and J.V. Foix and we wanted to create a sonic world from their poetry. Songs and melodies with its own work based on them poetry books, Sol i de dol, On he deixat les claus, Entre algues, do’m la mà and others. There is also in this repertoire our deccan poetry in Catalan literature Montserrat Abelló, a remind for Jacint Verdaguer and give homage to the poet of the year 2013: Salvador Espriu.



Solo veus project

By: Mariona Sagarra - Release Date : 2013-10-28

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